Friday 30 September 2011


Hey there fellow bloggers :)

Just been having a browse for some things on ICT and the Child ready for Lins presentation.

I found this, which is all about Supporting the Child through ICT. I found it quite useful for a positive outlook on ICT and the Child.

Also I found this video about Child Development, I found it really useful for Fionas Nature vs Nurture as it talks about how childrens early years experiences affect their education, thought I would post it on here as can't keep the page open forever  :)                                                               

Monday 26 September 2011

Drowning in a sea of books!

So after today I'm feeling Scared! Dreading the first presentation in December as its an individual one (Oh no!). Hopefully I'll have read enough to prepare myself for this and feel confident enough in standing up infront of you all.

However on the plus side I have maxed out my library card getting all the books I might need over all the modules and am now sitting surrounded by books ranging from Early Years Policy to Piaget and feel that it will be worthwhile getting a head start on reading. *Also for anyone wanting to buy the books I've found Ebay has a few on there fairly cheap*

I also thought I would put a link here for the podcast of Rousseau we listened to earlier so that I can go back and listen to it if I need to.!884f8cf6ca

Saturday 24 September 2011

Week One :)

So here goes for my first ever blog!

Week one down and I've still got mixed emotions mainly Nervous and Excited!! This last week has definately calmed me down a bit, just nervous that I'm not going to do well in stuff like the presentations.

Also found a couple of good articles on the Guardian

I thought these could be useful for Rachels lesson that she has asked us to summarise!